School Profile
Acacia Elementary School is situated at #57 Ma. Clara St., Acacia Malabon City, with a population of 5,127 and with a total land area of 1,237 square meters.
The school is presently headed by a School Principal III. It has 77 teachers who are able, willing and wholeheartedly dedicated to provide quality education beyond their means. The average school population for three years was about 2,675 pupils. It has complete elementary grades from kinder to grade 6. Quite big environment to augment the needs and levels of the learners.
Strategic Location
Barangay Acacia is located between Barangay Tinajeros and Barangay Tugatog Northwest. Distance from city proper is four (4) kilometer and existing means of transportation are private vehicles, tricycle, pedicab, motorcycle and jeepneys. The community have approximately 5,127 population, more or less 4,477 registered voters, less than 1,410 total number of household with the land area of 19.52 hectares.
Acacia Elementary School teacher with national plantilla position, composed of 1 principal III, 1 master teacher II, 5 master teacher I, 13 Teacher III, 16 Teacher II and 34 teacher I a total of 70 teachers and administrator.
The school also has 5 local funded non-teaching staff, 2 utilities, 2 CSU 1 office clerk. Acacia Elementary School has the most numbered of master teachers within the district. In fact, the school has one Master Teacher II and five master Teacher I.