How to avoid bullying?

Some of us are threatened to be hurt physically, psychologically and emotionally as well. Some of us just do what they commanded us to. Have you ever asked yourself why are they doing this unto you? Have you ever thought that you’re already a victim of bullying?
What is “bullying”? It is using of a force, threat or power to abuse someone or aggressively dominate others.
There are many ways on how can one avoid bullying. Here are some;
1. Do not draw attention to yourself because this makes it more satisfying for the bully to bring you down.
2. Do not fight back. Ignorance is the best response to a bully.
3. Do not talk to them because talking to them will give the chance to be mean or to be disrespectful to you.
4. Do not react to bully’s rude remarks so that you can make sure that you didn’t express any
5. Kill them with kindness.
6. Don’t be scared to the bullies.
Most of the recommendations do not show distress nor retaliation. Yes, because it is a way of showing that love must prevail over trouble and over the bullies.
The picture shown above was taken during the anti bullying advocacy of the school. The pupils rendered an anti-bully speech choir alongside with dramas and orientation about the anti-bullying act.